In the interest of non-judgemental self-disclosure, I'd like to share what really brought me to yoga: depression. Deep, dark, and dirty. Self-swallowing, dramatic, and all-encompassing. For most of my "yoga life," I've managed to keep the demons at bay, but it took a LONG time to drag myself to the mat with any consistency (as people who knew me from age 18-23 will testify!!!); and consistency is the key to lasting change.
Maybe you struggle with depression (or anhedonia, or the blues, or whatever you'd like to call it), too. I've read much on the subject and, of course, have used yoga, meditation, and pranayama as a tool to counteract the worst bouts and to get through the crummy times. I've never taken medication, though believe that everyone is different and every depression is different. If medication works for you, stick with it. Yoga works for me (especially when combined with fresh whole foods and regular multi-vitamins). So, I offer to the global yoga community (and the global community of those suffering from depression) a version of Surya Namaskar (I call it Anahata Namaskar) that focuses on heart-opening poses intended to increase blood flow to the chest, lungs, and heart, to activate your anahata (heart) chakra, to increase lymphatic drainage, and to generally make you feel good. Try it with this very important "mouth mudra:" turn the corners of your mouth up during each pose. :)
Here is a written explanation of Anahata Namaskar, but if you prefer a visual, check it out below:
Center your body and breath, either by coming into Sukhasana (easy seat) and finding a few yogic breaths, or coming to Tadasana (mountain pose) at the top of your mat. If you began in easy pose, step to the top of your mat, and bring your hands together at the heart center (Samasthiti). Inhale sweep your arms up and interlace the fingers. Turn the palms toward the sky and look up. Exhale begin to fold. Lift your chest up halfway and grab hands behind your back. Fold again with hands bound. Lift your chest halfway and free your hands to the floor. Step back to Adho Mukha Svanasana (Down Dog).
Lift your R leg high and step it forward between your hands, L knee down (Anjanyasana). Sweep your arms up then cross L arm underneath R arm for Garudasana (Eagle) arms. Wrap once (press forearms) or twice (press forearms and palms) and take a small backbend. On an exhale, begin to twist R, unwinding the top arm and pressing the palms together (so the L arm is atop the R thigh and you're in Prayer twist). Interlace the fingers again and sweep the arms up & out of the twist for another backbend then grab hands behind your back and fold over your bent leg. Stay in your fold, rock the hips back, straightening the front leg as much as possible (press into your front big toe for stability). Inhale rock back to a lunge and lift your chest. Free your arms and come to a "reverse warrior" like pose; drop your R hand behind your R hip and lift your L arm in line with your L ear. Exhale take both hands down to the floor and step back to Down Dog. Inhale to Plank; exhale through Chaturanga Dandasana (Low push-up). Inhale to Bhujangasana (low cobra) then free the arms, stretching them back along side the hips. Stay lifted, grab hands behind your back (Ardha Shalabasana variation). Next exhale, free your arms, and stretch back to Balasana (child's pose) with arms extended forward. Stay in Child's pose and bend your elbows, pressing the palms together and moving the thumbs back toward the base of your skull (nice stretch for the underarms). Inhale, release and roll forward to Cobra again, then exhale back to Down Dog.
Inhale, L leg high to Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana (3 legged dog pose). Step forward to Anjanyasana with back knee down. Reach your arms up then cross R arm underneath L (Garudasana arms). Take a small backbend then begin to twist L (L arm unwinds and palms press at heart center, R arm is against upper L thigh). Interlace the fingers again and sweep the arms up & out of the twist for another backbend then grab hands behind your back and fold over your bent leg. Stay in your fold, rock the hips back, straightening the front leg as much as possible (press into your front big toe for stability). Inhale rock back to a lunge and lift your chest. Free your arms and come to a "reverse warrior" like pose; drop your L hand behind your L hip and lift your R arm in line with your R ear. Exhale take both hands down to the floor and step back to Down Dog. Inhale to Plank (top of a push-up); exhale through Chaturanga Dandasana (Low push-up) pulling your elbows back and your heart forward. Inhale to Bhujangasana (low cobra) then free the arms, stretching them back along side the hips. Stay lifted, grab hands behind your back (Ardha Shalabasana variation). Next exhale, free your arms, and stretch back to Balasana (child's pose) with arms extended forward. Stay in Child's pose and bend your elbows, pressing the palms together and moving the thumbs back toward the base of your skull (nice stretch for the underarms). Inhale, release and roll forward to Cobra again, then exhale back to Down Dog.
Step or jump forward to Ardha Uttanasana (half-fold). Exhale, take a full fold. Interlace your fingers and lead with your arms and your heart as you rise all the way to Utthita Tadahasana (extended mountain). Exhale back to Samasthiti (hands to heart center). Pause with your breath and repeat as many times as you like. Remember to add your "mouth mudra"!